마이너스 경매(Minus Auction)

by 범데이



With friends, lovers, family, or co-workers through network communicationHave a brain battle!A game that is not as simple as it seems!Play it right now!# game rules1. “Negative Auction” is where negative number cubes from –3 to –35 are auctioned. The players auction order starts with player 1.2. Negative number cubes are revealed one at a time through a random lottery, and players decide whether to reject or bring the number cubes according to the set auction order.3. Players all start the game with 9 chips each, and if they dont want to win the number cube, they have to pay 1 chip. If you refuse by paying a chip, the winning bid for the number cube is passed on to the next player. (If there is no chip, the number cube must be won.)4. When winning a bid for a number cube, take all the chips previously played by other players to reject the cube.5. The winning bid number cube is open for all players to see.6. When the number cube is successful, the next random number cube goes up for auction, and the auction starts again from the player who won the previous number cube.7. When all number cube auctions are over, add the negative number you have won. And the remaining chips are +1 point for each chip, and the final score is calculated.8. If the negative numbers that have been successful bids are consecutive numbers, only the number with the smallest absolute value is counted. (This is the core rule of this game)9. Before the auction, 2 random cubes from -3 to -35 are hidden as hidden cubes and are not auctioned. Hidden Cubes are completely removed from the game and are not revealed until the auction ends.10. At the end of the game, the player with the fewest negative points is ranked first and ranked in order.11. Number cubes and chips that have been successfully bid cannot be transferred or exchanged, and the number of chips they have is not shown to other players.